Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When are our classes?

A: We have two semesters; Fall is six weeks from October to mid-November. Winter/Spring is eight weeks from early February to late March. Classes are held once a week, Monday through Saturday. Most are two hours in length. Morning classes are from 10:00 to noon; afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30.

Q: How many sessions to a class?

A: It varies from one session to six depending on the breadth of the subject matter.

Q: What is the cost?

A: Nominal.

Class Fees & Membership: The charge for class fees and membership is $50. That allows you to take as many classes as you wish.

Q: Where are the classes held?

A: All over the Island. The majority are held at the three large retirement centers, Seabrook, TidePointe, and the Cypress. Smaller classes are held at facilities like the Hilton Head Library, Heritage Library, HHI Fire and Rescue, Honey Horn, and the Palmetto Electric Coop. The catalog spells out general directions and this website has maps to most of the locations.

Q: What classes are offered?

A: We have classes in literature, history, the arts, and science, and current events. There is something for all tastes and interests. See our catalog archives on this site for examples.

Q: How do I get a catalog?

A: If you have taken a course within the last year, you are already on our list and will receive your fall catalog online around September 1 and your winter/spring catalog in early January. If you are new to LLHHI, CLICK HERE to be added to our catalog emailing list.

Q: How do I register for classes?

A: Click “Register Here” and select the classes you want to take and pay by credit or debit card. There is also a registration page in the catalog which you may send in by mail with your check.

You may begin online and mail registration for Fall in early September and for Winter/Spring in early January.

Q: I have an idea for a class. How do I make it happen?

A: If you want to teach, click “Want to Teach?” and fill out the simple form describing the course and your qualifications. We will contact you. If you want to suggest a course you would be interested in attending but don’t see on the list, click “Contact Us” and describe in your idea.